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Polar Bears being hunted

It is easy to say, but hard to do. To me the easiest way to start protecting polar bears is to diminish human hunting activities. First of all, a reason why polar bears are heading to extinction is because humans are hunting them. In fact, hunting polar bears are illegal to non-natives in most countries. However, "Sixty percent" of the world's polar bear population reside in Canada, which allows non-natives to hunt them as a sport that aid poachers to earn $35,000 as the final prize. Also,both legal and illegal poachers can sell parts of polar bears for profit, which explains why there's an increase amount of polar bear hunters. "Every year in Canada alone 700 polar bears are killed by trophy hunters"(Stop Polar Bear Hunting, 2006).Furthermore, countries like America, Greenland, and Russia allow to kill a quota of polar ears each year.(Fraser, 2009) The ultimate resolution to lesson the hunts could be placing a stricter regulation or law on hunting polar bears.A significant amount of money should be put on the regulation once an individual defaults it. In addition to other resolutions would be to stay away from polar bear dense region, which could be easy since human cant stand cold temperature for so long. Normal citizens like us should start spreading the word by simply talking to your friends, families, strangers via Facebook, Twitter, and other social media.

There are organization that you can join to stop polar bear hunting: 
Defenders of Wild Life 
Human Society of the United States 
International Fund for Animal Welfare 

Once polar bear hunting is no longer an issue, there will be other issues to tackle such as global warming and pollutions in the air. Fortunately we have the technology and people intelligece to greatly reduce these matters. As a species we simply have to learn to change our ways. Or else, the future for polar bears is not bright, where experts claim that within the next 100 years polar bears will be completely gone if the temperatures continue to rise due to global warming.(Polar Bears and Global Warming, 2009) Therefore, in order to stop the increasing amount of green house gas emission, we can start by being GREEN. Firstly, we can start to reduce, reuse, recycle, use less heat and air conditioning, drive less and use more common transportation, and many other actions. But most importantly, we should start encouraging others to conserve. Share information about the effect of global warming and energy conservation with our friends, neighbors and co-workers..etc.(Ways to Stop Global Warming) Also, we can take opportunities to encourage our public figures to establish programs and policies that are good for the environment. By doing all these actions, I cannot guaranteed that global warming would be stop, but most definitely, we can stop the rate of global warming and start saving lives of polar bears.

Polar Bear and Global Warming

Fraser, Corbin. (2009, Aug 23). Stop Polar Bear Hunting. Backpack Canada. Retrieved 2011, from

Stop Polar Bear Hunting. Retrieved 2006, from   

Polar Bears and Global Warming. Retrieved 2009, from

Ways to Stop Global Warming. HubPages. Retrieved from

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